The third annual Peter J. Weber "Swing for Education" golf tournament will be held on Saturday, September 23rd at 9:00 AM. The tournament will be a shot gun start and be held on the beautiful Shenandoah Golf Course on Shen Fest weekend.
The tournament is held in memory of 1980 SHS graduate Peter Weber, who passed away in 2019. A memorial scholarship has been set up in his honor and was spearheaded by family members, classmates and other friends. In just one year's time, they met their goal of $25,000 and awarded their 2023 scholarship to Emma Olson.
The Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation is looking for 22 teams to play in the event and there is also hole or food sponsorship opportunities available. To register for the event please go online to: https://givebutter.com/PeterWeber2023
If you're a business looking for a sponsorship opportunity, you can sponsor a hole or food for $100, just reach out to Jamie Burdorf at j_burdorf@yahoo.com or 515-520-7641.
Not able to make the event, but still want to donate? You can do so here! https://givebutter.com/I3onfx