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Innovative Marketing Class Contributes Video

Jamie Burdorf

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Our foundation & high school marketing class invite you all to "Remember the 'Home' in Homecoming" .

The Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation is releasing a new video to showcase the district, and it would not have been made possible without the help of the “Innovative Marketing” class at Shenandoah High School.

The foundation’s executive director Jamie Burdorf reached out to teacher Julie Mount about the class, and asked if the promotional video is something her students could help her with. Mount said it was exactly the kind of project that they were hoping to find.

“Authentic learning is a great way for them to get to show off their skills and help businesses or organizations at the same time,” said Mount. “It’s really what the focus of this class is, building relationships and collaborating with the community.”

Students Taylor Henderson (left) and Jocelyn Kirk, who helped put the new video together.
Students Taylor Henderson (left) and Jocelyn Kirk, who helped put the new video together.

Due to COVID-19 precautions, Burdorf and students Jocelyn Kirk and Taylor Henderson met online via Zoom to discuss the foundation’s vision for the video and work together on the details. In less than a month, with the partnership between the foundation and the class, the video came to fruition.

Titled “Remember the ‘Home’ in Homecoming,” you can view it by clicking here.

“It was really cool that we got to work on a project that was for a real organization instead of just a school project we would turn in for a grade,” said Kirk, a junior. “We're excited that the video we made will get to be seen by the public, and it was neat to be able to help the foundation and kind of show off Shenandoah and our communities through the video.”

With the current restrictions, Kirk and Henderson, a freshman, took pictures at the school and Burdorf photographed the communities that make up the Shenandoah school district. They edited the photos for display in the video, reviewed it with the foundation’s board members, made some changes, and produced the final version.

As we begin this always exciting week of Homecoming, the education foundation wants all alumni and friends of the Shenandoah schools to remember the “home” in Homecoming. This is where so many of your stories began and while you may still live in the district or live miles away, the schools and their communities will always be a part of your journey.

We hope you sit back, enjoy the video and consider a donation to the Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation. It will be used to continue to do good things in your hometown.

Homecoming Day is this Friday, Oct. 2, with a 2:30 p.m. parade downtown and the football game at 7 p.m. with the Mustangs hosting Atlantic.

Jamie Burdorf is executive director of the Shenandoah Iowa Education Foundation. You can reach her by phone at 515-520-7641 or by email at

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